Thursday, February 4, 2010


Press releases are a viable means of drawing attention and back-links to your business page. Because of this, your release is facing a very competitive environment. It is not only your objective to get the release posted on your news wire and social sites; you are hoping for "the press" to be interested and pick it up for publishing in their media as well such as: magazines, newspapers, blogs....etc.

Each individual journalist who picks up your story for reprint represents a substantial reach of their own, opening you to even more back-links. That is how to get the most of your advertising dollar. Consider this similar to fishing. A long cast and good bait will increase your chances of landing some interested nibbles that your business page can convert to paying customers. A drag net is even better if you can afford it, but you had better be prepared for dealing with a large volume of inquiries. Drawing in a number of interested prospects and being unable to service them adequately is far more damaging. Their word of mouth can kill any reputation you have worked hard to build.

Though your press release distributor welcomes all releases, including those which announce your new business, your new boss, or your new product; and though they do have a substantial reach to be proud of, it is important to note that journalists rarely write stories about companies unless the story is news worthy. Something big has had to have happened. Perhaps those instances you may not necessarily want to be involved with, like a scandal for instance. The fact is, these journalists are also working hard to keep their readership satisfied so they pick the cream of the posted press releases in order to fulfill their own patrons lust for meaty and interesting content. You want your press release to go viral, you have to make it meaty and interesting! Here are some story presentations with a twist that seem to work better than the rest:

1) Lists!

It is the fad now days. You read them on a regular basis yourself I bet, like: "10 things not to say to a disgruntled customer " or "5 mistakes bulls make in a china shop."They are proven to be an easy comfortable well organized read, because they are clear and concise. They are a good vehicle for a little light humor or a twist; as well as an easy avenue to apply eye catching captions that may stop a reader in their tracks. Almost any organization can come up with an interesting twist or view of their business with this form of story.

2) The "Good Guy" story!

We all like to read a feel good piece. It breaks up the monotony of what we are inundated daily with such as: tragedies, hardships, obstacles, and disappointments. People have always loved public relations pieces and tend to bond, as well as be loyal to corporate images that project a human touch. Stories need not necessarily read of giving and charity but also a show of appreciation for their customers, neighbors, employees...etc. Anything that would make the readership feel good when scanning through your story.

3) Legitimate News Tie-ins!

We have many issues do deal with daily such as coping with our economic times, health scares, or environmental changes. If you company or product can tie into these issues and solve some of the concerns that the media has raised around these issues, it is very likely these same journalists will use your story as a tie-in. To take advantage of this type of press release you will need to act fast so the resolution is fresh and relevant in the minds of the readership.

4) The all out unusual!

The stranger the caption as well as the story, the more likely it will gain attention. Again, it is a twist to the monotony of the day to day information gathering your readership engages in. Anything that will break the monotony will stand out! For example a restraint that announces a free omelet!( Eat their giant sized one dozen egg omelet in 10 minutes and not only is it free but you get immortalized on the Wall of Fame.) As a follow up, the same restraint can publish a story on a few very satisfied omelet customers.

With a bit of ingenuity and creative talent, an eye catching and well written press release can go a long way for getting your name and your product in the eye of the public. Yet it has to be viewed from the perspective of two separate readerships; the journalist and the viewers their subscribers. Who are fortunately all looking for the same thing...a very good read! One which you are going to provide it for them!